Tencent will be packaged to acquire Royal literature message or untrue

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About “Tencent will be packaged to acquire Royal literature” news of the latest progress.

ID of “network literature” of microblogger (fans and activity are not low) said:

“6th rumors” Tencent will be packaged to acquire Royal literature “a message was untrue. Shanda literature, responded: the company did introduce new investors but is not a listed company, Shanda literature CFO before Liang Xiaodong, will become CEO, Qiu Wenyou continued to serve as Chairman of Shanda literature. ”

The 23:45 Twitter account last night also made “Shanda literature (including the starting point for the Chinese network) are acquired, buyer for Tencent” broke the Tweets, but this was the industry’s attention this morning. This account also mentions in the Twitter yesterday “acquiring non-Tencent, Baidu, Ali, nor, if the news is true, it is likely to be BAT buyers outside of the big three.”

Morning commented that Tencent literature because the development was not as expected, failed to move the brand of Shanda literature, create your own IP (intellectual property) values, so the company before making a big decision to buy Grand.

After buying on news, Lei Feng Wu Wenhui network for the first time found a confirmation message, other said not to respond, instead go to Tencent’s PR Department communication demands; small series of turns obtained from the company’s private response is three sentences:

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1, Shanda literature, please communicate with Royal for confirmation.

2, the company declined to comment on the rumors.

3, Tencent literature well. Givenchy iPhone

According to the interpretation of small series of a marketing friend, Grand this year there have been several organized conspiratorial speculation, including hype “Tencent to buy Shanda games” rumors.

Industry analysts, if Tencent bought Royal literature is true, Baidu, Tencent, Shanda online literature three-pillar structure will be broken into Tencent’s dominance, this monopoly situation will cause writers to lose bargaining power, the news network writer’s block will cause no small storm of public opinion.

Xiao bian asked a Chinese creation (owned by Tencent literature) sign writer’s views on the matter, his response was totally outside of the default script–

“Tencent’s acquisition of Shanda literature, what reaction do you circle? ”

“Happy! Mascherano powerful, buy buy buy! Are we! Beginning that people say we are low, our writers but a fashion creation, please? ”

Of course comes back to income, the author says “writing income this is 1% people 99% money” cruel reality is no more than 500 writers earning 100,000, so don’t buy, have an impact on great writers, has little effect on the underlying writer.

This matter has not yet been Tencent or Grand’s official ascertained, still need to wait and see what is going.


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